


1 住民、企業に本当に必要な仕事を議会市民で、はっきりさせる。


2 職員の実態を公開する 

3 職員のイメージをスキルを上げる。


 Clearly establish the tasks truly necessary for residents and businesses through council and citizen participation.

Determine to what extent the local government should work. From there, calculate the necessary staffing.

Disclose the reality of the staff.

Post on the local government's website the changes in staff numbers, working conditions, and department-specific staffing and working hours. Inform about the reality of non-regular employment within the local government. Clearly distinguish what can and cannot be done with DX and AI.

Enhance the image and skills of the staff.

Welcome skilled individuals, foster learning, and expand personnel exchanges. Recognize staff who are performing well from an external perspective. Increase opportunities for staff to excel in general incorporated associations and events. Publicly recognize staff who can work in other local governments in systems, public relations, production, tax, welfare, legal, and business support, etc. Recognize staff who are engaged in pro bono work.