「里の在処」 内山 節
鎌倉由比ガ浜のブックカフェすきま鎌倉 こにある私の本棚にある本の一つ 紹介の続きです、
私は、広島、熊本、高知、千葉 などを旅し、街づくりに取り組む人々出会いを積み重ねる中でこの本に出合った。さらにこの本を深く紹介したいと思います
Sato no Arika" by Setsu Uchiyama
This is one of the books on my personal bookshelf located at Sukiama Kamakura, a book cafe in Yuigahama, Kamakura.
This essay by a philosopher living in a mountain village in Gunma describes a different time, not the time of modern industrial society which chases outcomes, or the time turned into services, but a cyclical time. It depicts various acts of helping and giving to each other, based on the lifestyle through the four seasons.
Beyond deeply questioning capitalism, it interestingly portrays the state of a mountain village society, not just a rural one.
During my travels through Hiroshima, Kumamoto, Kochi, and Chiba, meeting people engaged in urban development, I came across this book. I would like to introduce it more deeply.
My Bookshelf
"But" by Hirokazu Koreeda
"Alice in the Country of Welfare" by Toyotoku Yamauchi
"Sato no Arika" by Setsu Uchiyama
"Reviving Words" by Toshiro Ohsawa
"Iconograph" by Chris Kyogetu
"The Tax Increase Theory of Happiness" by Eiichi Ide
"Why Do Scientists Believe in God?" by Ichiro Mita
「しかし」 是枝裕和
「福祉の国のアリス」 山内 豊徳
「里の在処」 内山 節
「生きなおすことば」 大沢 敏郎
「Icon o graph」 chris kyogetu
「幸福の増税論」 井手 英策
「科学者はなぜ神を信じるのか」 三田 一郎