「福祉の国のアリス」   山内 豊徳 言葉と詩 福祉 

「福祉の国のアリス」   山内 豊徳 言葉と詩 福祉 

 鎌倉由比ガ浜のブックカフェすきま鎌倉 こにある私の本棚にある本の一つ 紹介の続きです、




The Alice of the Welfare Country" by Toyonori Yamauchi: Words and Poetry in Welfare

In a cozy book cafe called Suki Ma Kamakura in Yuigahama, Kamakura, there's a book on my shelf that I'd like to introduce. Continuing from my previous recommendation,

The case worker for welfare is a professional, emphasizing the importance of words. I'm moved by the presence of high-ranking bureaucrats. While laws are crucial and social resources are essential, there are bureaucrats and welfare experts, but it's rare for a bureaucrat from Tokyo University several decades ago to write with such heartfelt dedication.

I urge you to read his welfare essays, interwoven with poetry and fairy tales. And I hope you'll read the poems he's written.

#Welfare #Words



「しかし」            是枝裕和
「福祉の国のアリス」       山内 豊徳 
「里の在処」           内山 節
「生きなおすことば」       大沢 敏郎
「Icon o graph」          chris kyogetu
「幸福の増税論」         井手 英策     
「科学者はなぜ神を信じるのか」  三田 一郎