「私たちは何故税金納めるのか」 諸富 徹 2
鎌倉由比ガ浜のブックカフェすきま鎌倉 こにある私の本棚にある本の一つ 紹介の続きです。
そこから、井手 英策の著作につなげ、活動を開始しようとしたが、コロナや経営者、政治関係者の前に阻まれ挫折した。
We have been hosting a book club in Kamakura for nearly a year using the book 'Why Do We Pay Taxes?' by Toru Morotomi. This book, which resides on my shelf at the Sukiama Kamakura book cafe in Yuigahama, Kamakura, has proven fascinating as it connects aspects of world history. Participants have noted that seeing these connections makes the concept of taxes more interesting. Taxes are seen not just as a means but as a way to actively drive businesses and governments, thereby creating society. With tax harmony and agency, its nature can be transformed.
However, attempts to segue into the works of Eisaku Ide and initiate further activities were thwarted by COVID-19, business leaders, and political figures. We've had to start by understanding and contributing to the local economy."
「しかし」 是枝裕和
「福祉の国のアリス」 山内 豊徳
「里の在処」 内山 節
「生きなおすことば」 大沢 敏郎
「私を変えた聖書の言葉」 曾野 綾子
「私たちは何故税金納めるのか」 諸富 徹
「Icon o graph」 chris kyogetu
「幸福の増税論」 井手 英策
「科学者はなぜ神を信じるのか」 三田 一郎