





1.1 背景


1.2 活用事例

  • ブログ(原文+英訳)
  • X(若年層向け)
  • Facebook(多世代の起業家・クリエイター・フリーランス向け)
  • はてなブログ(論文形式・AI添削)
  • NOTE(若手クリエイター向け)
  • Instagram(福祉関係者・インフルエンサー向け)


2.1 オリジナリティと機械的最適化


2.2 「言葉の架け橋」としての自分の声




3.1 聖書:イエスの権威と汚れた霊を追い出す

  • 概要
  • SNSでの留意点
    #Jesus #Authority #Exorcism などのハッシュタグが示すように、特定の宗教的背景を持たない読者や、宗教に馴染みの薄い若年層には過激あるいは難解に映る可能性もある。AIが提供する翻訳や要約をそのまま使うと、誤解を招く文言になるリスクがある。そこで、背景情報や神学的解釈をしっかり提示しつつ、自分の言葉で補足を加えることが重要だ。

3.2 憲法憲法裁判における積極主義と消極主義

  • 概要
    憲法裁判においては、司法府が積極的に立法や行政をコントロールしていく「積極主義(Judicial Activism)」と、政治部門に主導権を委ねつつ違憲判断に慎重になる「消極主義(Judicial Restraint)」とのせめぎ合いがある。
  • SNSでの留意点
    #Constitution #JudicialDebate #LegalPhilosophy といったハッシュタグのもとで、一般ユーザーにも分かりやすい情報提供をする必要がある。一方で、専門用語が多用される領域なので、AIによる平易な文章化は有益である。しかし「憲法」という極めて重要な枠組みに関しては、ニュアンスを誤解されないよう、人間が最終的に文言をチェックすべきである。

3.3 生活保護法:結核、難病、精神医療

  • 概要
  • SNSでの留意点
    #SocialWelfare #Healthcare #PublicAssistance といったハッシュタグでの投稿は、医療従事者や福祉関係者、行政職員だけでなく、支援を必要としている当事者にも届き得る。その際、AIが医療用語や法律用語を正しく翻訳・校正してくれることは大きな利点であるが、誤訳や無機質な表現によって人間味が失われる可能性もある。ケーススタディや実際の体験談を盛り込み、具体性を持たせることが望ましい。

3.4 自然科学論文:医療・再生医療の概観

  • 概要
  • SNSでの留意点
    #RegenerativeMedicine #MedicalResearch #Biotechnology といったハッシュタグは研究者や企業、投資家の目に留まる可能性が高い。AIによる論文要約や翻訳は、国際的な学術コミュニティとつながる手段として有効である。しかし、新たな技術開発には社会倫理や規制の枠組みが伴うことも多く、その点を人間の言葉でしっかり補足しなければ誤解を生む恐れがある。

3.5 ブルームバーグ:日銀の利上げ観測と債権下落

  • 概要
  • SNSでの留意点
    #BOJ #Economy #MarketTrends などのハッシュタグを使い、金融業界や投資家層に向けた情報発信を行う場合には、専門性のある解説を織り交ぜた投稿が求められる。AIによる経済指標の自動分析は有用だが、最終的には人間の洞察力を介して「今何が起きているのか」をわかりやすく伝える必要がある。


4.1 AIを利用する意義


4.2 言葉のオリジナリティを保つ方法

  • 人間による最終チェック
  • 自分の感情やエピソードを織り交ぜる
  • 適度な冗長性や口語表現





Introduction: Words as Bridges

In our contemporary society, social networking services (SNS) have become essential platforms for information dissemination. At the same time, the growing availability of AI-based editing and translation tools has led to an increasing reliance on these technologies for written communication. While AI assistance refines grammar and style, it may also dilute the unique voice and nuances inherent in human expression.

This paper explores the potential issues that arise from using AI-assisted editing in SNS postings, along with possible strategies to “reclaim one’s original words.” We will examine several themes—Biblical interpretations (Jesus’ authority and exorcism of unclean spirits), constitutional court debates (judicial activism vs. restraint), livelihood protection (covering tuberculosis, rare diseases, and mental health care), natural science research (an overview of regenerative medicine and reproductive technologies), and economic news (Bloomberg’s reports on the Bank of Japan’s rate hike speculation and bond market reactions). By analyzing how these topics can be presented on SNS, the paper aims to highlight the importance of maintaining the human element in AI-supported communication, ultimately underscoring that our words can serve as bridges.

Chapter 1: The Use of AI-Assisted Editing Across Different SNS Platforms

1.1 Background

AI technologies have made significant strides in natural language processing, offering widely accessible translation and proofreading functions to general users. Many individuals and organizations now leverage these tools to optimize their blog posts, tweets, and other SNS content. For instance, users may draft a blog article with AI assistance and then adapt shorter excerpts for X (formerly Twitter) or Instagram.

1.2 Practical Examples

  • Blogs (Original Text + English Translation)
    Blogs are conducive to long-form content, making them ideal for posting the original text in Japanese alongside an English translation. This approach can attract a broader readership, but it may produce translations that sound mechanical if relied upon blindly.
  • X (For Younger Audiences)
    Although the character limit has expanded in recent years, X maintains a culture of concise, attention-grabbing posts. AI is handy for generating catchy phrases and hashtags, but the essence of the original message can be oversimplified.
  • Facebook (For Entrepreneurs, Creators, and Freelancers Across Generations)
    Because Facebook caters to a wide demographic, the posts often need to balance readability with the inclusion of technical or business terms. AI proofreading can help refine the tone to match this diverse audience.
  • Hatena Blog (Academic Style with AI Editing)
    Hatena Blog is a preferred platform among researchers and writers for sharing more scholarly content. AI editing tools are particularly useful here for maintaining accuracy in citations and refining academic expressions.
  • NOTE (For Young Creators and Entrepreneurs)
    This platform is popular among creative professionals and freelancers looking to share ideas and work-in-progress. AI suggestions can help streamline communication, but authenticity must remain paramount.
  • Instagram (For Welfare Professionals and Influencers)
    Although Instagram primarily focuses on visual content, captions are crucial for context. AI assistance can help simplify technical terms in fields like welfare or healthcare, but personal commentary is essential to retain warmth and credibility.

Chapter 2: The Concern of Diluted Meaning

2.1 Originality vs. Mechanical Optimization

While AI can polish writing, it risks stripping away the personal touch, or “human warmth,” that characterizes one’s unique style. This problem is particularly salient in specialized domains such as religious texts, legal statutes, welfare policies, and scientific research, where the words themselves bear cultural, historical, and social weight. Overly filtered or polished translations can inadvertently distort the underlying message.

2.2 “Bridging” with One’s Own Voice

SNS platforms connect people with a wide range of backgrounds. However, the vast amount of information and rapid pace of content circulation mean that individual posts are not always read closely. It is therefore crucial to preserve our “own words” and maintain a “bridge-building” attitude. Although AI can offer significant support, remembering that humans have the final say is key to preserving the depth of our expressions.

Chapter 3: Case Studies in Selected Themes

In this section, we illustrate how to balance AI-assisted editing with human originality by looking at specific topics and their potential presentation on SNS.

3.1 The Bible: Jesus’ Authority and Casting Out Unclean Spirits

  • Overview
    The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) depict numerous instances where Jesus casts out unclean spirits. These episodes symbolize Jesus’ divinity and authority, emphasizing themes of spiritual liberation and salvation.
  • SNS Considerations
    Hashtags like #Jesus #Authority #Exorcism may appear stark or unfamiliar to audiences unacquainted with Christian theology, particularly younger users. When relying on AI translations or summaries, one risks reducing complex theological nuances to misleading sound bites. Contextualization and clear explanations are vital, supplemented by a personal touch to prevent oversimplification.

3.2 The Constitution: Judicial Activism vs. Restraint

  • Overview
    In constitutional law, courts grapple with judicial activism—where judges proactively shape legislative or executive conduct—and judicial restraint—where courts defer to political bodies and are cautious about declaring laws unconstitutional.
  • SNS Considerations
    Hashtags such as #Constitution #JudicialDebate #LegalPhilosophy can help target a more academically inclined audience. AI is handy for converting legal jargon into more accessible language; however, any misstep can create misunderstandings in a field as critical as constitutional law. A final human review is indispensable.

3.3 Livelihood Protection Act: Tuberculosis, Rare Diseases, and Mental Health

  • Overview
    Japan’s Livelihood Protection Act ensures a minimum standard of living for citizens, encompassing a range of health issues such as tuberculosis, rare diseases, and mental health conditions. This framework relies on close cooperation among government agencies, healthcare institutions, and welfare organizations.
  • SNS Considerations
    Hashtags like #SocialWelfare #Healthcare #PublicAssistance are relevant not just to healthcare professionals and policymakers but also to affected individuals seeking support. AI’s capability in translating and clarifying specialized terminology is advantageous. Nevertheless, empathy and clarity remain crucial—sharing real-life stories or personal insights can add depth and relatability.

3.4 Natural Science Papers: An Overview of Regenerative Medicine

  • Overview
    Advances in regenerative medicine include iPS cells for organ regeneration and various techniques for oocyte management and transplantation. These developments intersect with ethical debates around reproductive technologies, garnering significant public interest.
  • SNS Considerations
    Hashtags like #RegenerativeMedicine #MedicalResearch #Biotechnology can capture the attention of researchers, investors, and industry professionals. AI-generated summaries or translations facilitate broader dissemination of technical papers. However, given the complex ethical, regulatory, and social implications, human-authored commentary is essential to provide a nuanced perspective.

3.5 Bloomberg: BOJ Rate Hike Speculation and Bond Market Decline

  • Overview
    Economic media outlets such as Bloomberg frequently discuss potential rate hikes by the Bank of Japan, which can spark volatility in the bond market. Although Japanese government bonds historically carry a high level of trust, investors react sensitively to signals of policy shifts.
  • SNS Considerations
    With hashtags like #BOJ #Economy #MarketTrends, the target audience often includes finance professionals. While AI can supply real-time data analysis, human insight is needed to contextualize these figures and explain the broader economic ramifications.

Chapter 4: Coexistence with AI and Human-Centered Communication

4.1 The Value of AI

AI excels at rapidly analyzing large volumes of data, summarizing complex information, and handling cross-linguistic tasks, making it an indispensable tool for anyone aiming to engage a global audience via SNS.

4.2 Preserving Originality in Language

  • Final Human Review
    By reviewing AI-suggested text and refining it with cultural or contextual awareness, authors can retain their distinctive voice.
  • Emotional and Personal Elements
    For instance, discussions of the Livelihood Protection Act might benefit from anecdotes that humanize the policy.
  • Strategic Use of Redundancy and Colloquialisms
    Perfectly optimized text can sometimes feel too sterile. Sprinkling in casual language or quirky expressions can maintain warmth and individuality.

Chapter 5: Conclusion—Words as Bridges

The rise of SNS and the evolution of AI-assisted editing have undoubtedly made our communication more efficient and wide-reaching. Yet these benefits come with an inherent risk: the dilution of our most meaningful words. Keeping in mind that “our words can be bridges,” we need to ensure that the final voice remains human, even as we harness AI’s remarkable capabilities.

From the authority of Jesus in the Bible to the intricacies of constitutional law, from welfare policies to cutting-edge medical research and market trends, language underpins the transmission of core messages. We must therefore respect the weight and nuance of each word while working in tandem with AI. Through our words, we connect with the world and foster mutual understanding—ultimately fulfilling our role as bridges that span diverse perspectives.