「医療から農へ」 地域経済を支える新たな連携ワークショップ
1. 地域食材の利用促進
#地域食材 #地元農業支援 #病院食堂 #新鮮な食材
2. 農業と医療のパートナーシップ構築
#医療と農業 #地域連携 #食の安全 #健康ワークショップ
3. 農業教育と健康教育の統合
#農業教育 #健康教育 #食育 #次世代の健康
4. 持続可能な食品供給システムの開発
#持続可能な食品供給 #地域循環経済 #エコフレンドリー #地域農業支援
5. 地域の健康と福祉の向上
#健康改善 #地域福祉 #農業従事者支援 #医療費削減
ワークショップ開催のお知らせ このワークショップでは、地域の農業と医療がどのように連携して持続可能な未来を築くかを探り、具体的な事例や実践的な取り組みを通じて、地域経済と住民の健康を同時に支えるためのアイデアを共有します。
#地域経済振興 #医療と農業 #持続可能な成長 #健康的な食生活 #地域ワークショップ
"From Healthcare to Agriculture" New Workshop to Support Local Economic Collaboration
We are hosting a workshop aimed at revitalizing the local economy and achieving sustainable growth through collaboration between healthcare and agriculture. By leveraging experiences from hospitals and strengthening ties with local farmers, we will explore new approaches to support the health and sustainability of the entire community.
1. Promoting the Use of Local Ingredients
We begin by utilizing locally grown produce in hospital cafeterias, providing fresh and nutritious meals while supporting local agriculture at the same time. This is the first step in supporting the local economy and improving the health of residents.
#LocalIngredients #SupportLocalAgriculture #HospitalCafeteria #FreshProduce
2. Building Partnerships Between Agriculture and Healthcare
Local farmers and healthcare facilities will collaborate on joint projects to promote health and food safety. For example, hospitals and farmers will work together to hold workshops and seminars on healthy eating, spreading knowledge about nutrition and food.
#HealthcareAndAgriculture #LocalPartnerships #FoodSafety #HealthWorkshops
3. Integrating Agricultural and Health Education
In schools and public programs, agricultural and health education will be integrated to teach children how food is grown and its impact on health. This initiative is expected to enhance the next generation's understanding of nutrition and promote healthier eating habits.
#AgriculturalEducation #HealthEducation #FoodEducation #NextGenerationHealth
4. Developing a Sustainable Food Supply System
We aim to establish a sustainable food supply system within the local community, supported by hospitals, schools, and restaurants. By promoting sustainable farming practices, the entire region can adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle.
#SustainableFoodSupply #LocalCircularEconomy #EcoFriendly #SupportLocalAgriculture
5. Improving Community Health and Welfare
By providing healthy meals made from local ingredients, we will not only improve the health of local residents but also enhance the quality of life for agricultural workers. This initiative may also lead to a reduction in healthcare costs.
#HealthImprovement #CommunityWelfare #SupportForFarmers #HealthcareCostReduction
Through these initiatives, close collaboration between healthcare institutions and agriculture can support sustainable growth for the local economy while improving the health and welfare of residents. The integration of agricultural and health education for younger generations is also a major step toward a healthier future.
Workshop Announcement
In this workshop, we will explore how agriculture and healthcare in the community can collaborate to build a sustainable future. Through concrete examples and practical efforts, we will share ideas on how to simultaneously support the local economy and the health of residents.
#LocalEconomicRevitalization #HealthcareAndAgriculture #SustainableGrowth #HealthyEating #LocalWorkshop
World Map
I do not wish to be great but to become the smallest of all.
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Public Assistance Act
Long-term care insurance, long-term care services, and the connection between facilities, the Public Assistance Act, and benefits. I believe this is not a waste of taxes but part of a regional cycle.
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