とりあえず また始める

とりあえず また始める






#都市計画 #ハード#ソフト

 "For now, I'll start again.

Urban planning is not about the hardware but the software, not about buildings but people. Furthermore, the natural cycle and systems are not keeping up with this. They do not recognize it, which is why my workshop planning and my work have tended to stall with new ideas and evolution in the middle of last month. Researching and thinking about it made me feel uncomfortable.

It was a surprising first experience. I questioned my core to the limit, compromised, adjusted to those around me, and became lost. Still, I think I'll try to start again.

The history of systems and numbers cannot be persuasively explained just through philosophy or by connecting them to the present in an overarching view. Unless it's turned into an image, designed, and then made more concrete with contracts and actions, it won't lead to anything. So, I design images. In doing so, I'll briefly incorporate my core into it.

For now, I'll start again."
