CHIRDREN' COFFE BANDB KIMIE you can meet chiredren and food and soul from world

you can meet chiredren and food and soul from world

 鎌倉のCHIRDREN' COFFE BANDB KIMIE 世界の中の人々と地域の子供が食を通して出会える場所




ここの経営者 せと きみえ は、生協で、障がい者のために、市役所で、大人の社会復帰、虐待家庭の子供たちのために働いてきた。



 鎌倉のCHIRDREN' COFFE BANDB KIMIE 世界の中の人々と地域の子供が食を通して出会える場所


Visit CHIRDREN' COFFEE BANDB KIMIE in Kamakura, a place where local children and people from around the world can connect through food.

Surrounded by the babbling of the river, greenery, and temples, why not come to this place?

Every Wednesday, local children gather here, where natural parents, local adults, and guests from all over the world staying in homestays can enjoy the same meals together.

The owner, Kimie Seto, has worked in a co-op for people with disabilities, in city hall for the social reintegration of adults, and for children from abusive families.

Seeing the poor meals that many children eat alone, she aspired to provide nourishing meals filled with care and to promote food education.

She was drawn to a building amidst the beautiful scenery of Nikaido in Kamakura and decided to start a cafeteria for children funded by the revenue from homestays.

The connections between people and food continue to grow.

CHIRDREN' COFFEE BANDB KIMIE in Kamakura is a place where local children and people from around the world can connect through food.

Surrounded by the babbling of the river, greenery, and temples, why not come to this place?

Children's Cafe B&B Kimie (