

1. オンライン教育プログラムの充実:
私たちは、健康とウェルネス、不動産管理、ビジネスと財務の基礎に関するオンラインワークショップを提供します。これには、伝統的なあんまマッサージの指導から、最新の不動産開発動向までが含まれます。これらのセッションは Zoom と Google Meet を使用してリアルタイムで配信され、参加者がどこにいてもアクセスできるようにします。

2. 地域食材を活用した持続可能な食文化の創出:

3. 地域工芸品の振興とオンライン販売:

4. エネルギー効率の高い住宅改修プログラム:

5. クリエイティブおよびメディアスキルの向上:
写真およびメディア関連の技術をオンラインで教え、地元の出版社やイベント主催者との連携を強化します。また、ソーシャルメディア戦略の改善をサポートするセッションを WebEx と Adobe Connect を通じて提供します。

6. 地域情報のデジタルマッピングとアクセスの向上:
Leaflet と Google Maps API を利用した地域マッピングプロジェクトを展開し、地元のビジネスや観光スポットの詳細な地図情報をクラウド上で提供します。これにより、住民や訪問者は地域のリソースを容易に発見できるようになります。

7. コミュニティイベントカレンダーの開発:
Google Calendar API を利用し、地域イベントのスケジュールをオンラインで管理します。このカレンダーは Firebase と AWS を使用してバックエンドでサポートされ、住民が最新のコミュニティ活動に容易に参加できるようにします。


#地域再活性化 #持続可能な開発 #デジタル変革 #コミュニティワークショップ #地域連携

To rebuild the regional economy and develop sustainable communities, our plan incorporates elements of clothing, food, and housing while utilizing the latest digital technologies to promote regional activities. The approaches introduced here aim to address the challenges faced by local residents and improve their quality of life through educational workshops, regional collaboration projects, and creative initiatives. Below are the technical details and methods for implementing this initiative.

1. Enhancing Online Educational Programs:
We provide online workshops on health and wellness, real estate management, and the basics of business and finance. These include sessions on traditional Anma massage and the latest trends in real estate development. These sessions are delivered in real-time using Zoom and Google Meet, allowing participants to access them from anywhere.

2. Creating a Sustainable Food Culture Using Local Ingredients:
We hold online seminars for local restaurants to promote the development of unique menus using local agricultural products. These programs are conducted in collaboration with local farmers and aim to introduce sustainable agricultural techniques.

3. Promoting Local Crafts and Online Sales:
In collaboration with local artisans, we regularly hold online workshops to produce and promote traditional crafts, creating an online marketplace for local products. We provide platforms to deepen the understanding and appreciation of local culture through the creation and sale of products reflecting local culture.

4. Energy-Efficient Home Renovation Programs:
We offer online workshops to teach residents how to improve their living environments with energy-efficient renovations, focusing on improving housing for the elderly to provide safe and comfortable living conditions.

5. Enhancing Creative and Media Skills:
We teach photography and media-related techniques online and strengthen collaboration with local publishers and event organizers. We also offer sessions to support the improvement of social media strategies through WebEx and Adobe Connect.

6. Digital Mapping and Improved Access to Regional Information:
We deploy regional mapping projects using Leaflet and Google Maps API to provide detailed maps of local businesses and tourist spots on a cloud-based platform. This allows residents and visitors to easily discover regional resources.

7. Development of a Community Event Calendar:
Using the Google Calendar API, we manage the schedule of local events online. This calendar is supported at the backend using Firebase and AWS, making it easy for residents to participate in the latest community activities.

These initiatives contribute not only to the revitalization of the area but also to the improvement of the residents' quality of life, representing crucial steps toward achieving sustainable development. Our project aims to strengthen the local community and achieve economic independence by leveraging technological advances to explore new possibilities.

#RegionalRevitalization #SustainableDevelopment #DigitalTransformation #CommunityWorkshops #RegionalCollaboration