四旬節 復活を待ち望む しるしを超えて

四旬節 復活を待ち望む




しるしを超えたい。四旬節 復活を待ち望む


Lent - Awaiting Resurrection

Beyond Signs

My physical condition isn't the best, and because of that, I find myself unable to withstand the judgments of society. I wonder if everything I've done so far has been in vain. Whether it's in administration, politics, or civic movements, I haven't managed to accomplish anything. I desire a sign, something to signify.

I seek a sign, to surpass myself, for if I don't, I fear I'll make catastrophic mistakes during times like these. Or worse, lose sight of what's truly important.

I want to go beyond the signs. Lent - Awaiting Resurrection.

#Sign #Resurrection