




神は 天と地 そして 心の中に現れる、父と子と聖霊の名のおいてアーメン

From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the position of God changes.

From heaven, Jesus Christ appears, becomes a sacrifice, and then reappears. The Holy Spirit enters into humans.

God appears in heaven and on earth, and within the heart, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."




The starting points and end goals of Buddhism and Christianity are different. Against a backdrop where cultures with many Chinese characters differ from those without, the formation of images and thought processes also differ. Therefore, in the process of translating the Bible, there's a possibility that the original perception of the Bible becomes obscured. Chinese characters are created from images, whereas other scripts are different.

It's important to grasp not just the words but also the pictorial and theatrical perspectives and images that unfold in the Bible's narrative.

The Buddhist approach to human existence can fluidize and indiscriminately absorb ways of seeing things, posing a risk of becoming unprincipled. Even when Christians, tired of the Christian framework, become interested in Buddhism, their way of viewing things does not become unprincipled.
日本を世界の人が見ることは、世界のキリスト教徒が 自分の世界から一瞬解放されてまた戻ることなのかもとおもいました。良い意味合いで、伝えきれないことを違いがあることを自覚すはる対話が大事

I thought that when people around the world look at Japan, it might be similar to how global Christians temporarily liberate themselves from their own world, only to return to it again. In a positive sense, it's important to have a dialogue that recognizes and accepts the things that cannot be fully conveyed and the differences that exist.

#キリスト教 #仏教 #文化的違い #聖書翻訳 #宗教間対話 #世界観 #漢字文化 #非漢字文化