



"When you can't see far away, you start to see what is near, and then, can you see far away?

When I'm at work, I realize that I can't see far away. Or rather, I deeply feel that I cannot go far, and then I start to see what is near. I see my own flaws, and from there, I begin to see the relationships around me. Then, I can see far away.

When I return home, I spread out journals on social welfare and local government studies that I have been reading for over 30 years. I read them to see far and to see near. However, when I feel that I can't go far, the meaning of these journals changes."





"Insufficient Risk Management

It seems like I'm starting to understand the balance between procurement and sales, or rather, the perspective of management. I think it was a good decision to start the course on cybersecurity and data science risk management offered by Google.

Updating to new versions appears to be an important point in risk management. Continuing to learn might be the greatest form of risk management."


休日出勤 矛盾

休日出勤 矛盾


worked on a holiday for the first time in three years. I did so to avoid an increase in overtime later, which would make it impossible to control my physical and mental health. Meanwhile, I also prepared a set of materials for union recruitment activities. What else can this be called if not a contradiction?

正しい怒り そう出ない怒り

正しい怒り そう出ない怒り






"Righteous Anger and Misplaced Anger

It is acceptable to express anger towards absurdity and injustice. However, anger used as an escape to avoid overcoming weaknesses is not good.

Furthermore, the former requires the ability to articulate truth and demonstrate logical reasoning that reflects truthfulness, whereas the latter requires self-management.

It is important not to give up and to strive to acquire these skills."

紙の新聞 種

紙の新聞 種






From the moment I became aware, there was the Asahi Newspaper. It can be said to have had a significant influence on the formation of my psyche. I've read it from corner to corner every day. I think it's the DNA of my human rights-focused liberal thinking. Recently, there have been too many things happening that are beyond my capacity, and today was the first time I couldn't read it.

Is this my limit? Is it the shallowness of the foundation of my human rights-focused liberal DNA? Surely it must be. Just reading is not enough to grow.

意味のある悩み ない悩み

意味のある悩み ない悩み





 Meaningful Worries and Meaningless Worries

Worrying to the point of exhaustion, losing sight of the situation, and being unable to start doing things—that is meaningless. It's difficult, though.

Organizing the issues, delving into and analyzing the essence to make the situation clear and to be able to take measures—that I think is meaningful worrying.

What marks the division between them? Is it self-esteem? Habits? Prayer? Physical strength? Knowledge? Ideals?

I don't know. But I do know that I want to hold on to ideals and I don't want to stop worrying.

GOOGLE サイバーセキュリティ 講座 表と裏

GOOGLE サイバーセキュリティ 講座 表と裏

 GOOGLEデ-タアナリストの講座を終えて、GOOGLE サイバーセキュリティ 講座を受講し始めた。



After completing the Google Data Analyst course, I started the Google Cybersecurity course. I initially thought it might be dull, but I've realized that without mastering this, I can't propose ideas within or outside the organization, nor can I get a full view of the situation.

Once I actually started the course, I found that it covers Python, which I wanted to learn for work and personal projects, as well as how to create websites and study database systems. So, I decided to give it a try.

Growing up with computers, studying law, being involved with internal and external systems, and beginning to see designs and consulting, I hope all these elements unexpectedly connect in some way.